Perfectionism and its Pitfalls

SELF AWARENESS Perfectionism and its Pitfalls Sonal Plush, Transformation Consultant, Sydney, Australia 7th October 2016 A while ago I worked with a bright and highly accomplished client whose outward appearance and demeanour exuded confidence and self-efficacy. She...

3 Stages of change you need to know

CHANGE MANAGEMENT 3 Stages of Change you need to know Sonal Plush, Transformation Consultant, Sydney, Australia 27 September 2016 “The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new” – Socrates So you are in the process...

What we need to know about Time Management

SELF AWARENESS What we need to know about Time Management Sonal Plush, Transformational Consultant, Sydney, Australia 31 August 2016 Our life – we wake up, we go to work, we meet, we talk, we pay bills, we clean, we cook, study, clean again, go to the gym, do...

How to be Responsive in a Reactive world

SELF AWARENESS How to be Responsive in a Reactive world Sonal Plush, Transformational Consultant, Sydney, Australia 18 August 2016 The other night I was watching the Olympics games and it struck me the level of raw emotions each and every athlete will experience...
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