Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.

… Johann Wolfgang von Gothe

For a man to conquer himself is the first and noblest of all victories

… Plato

What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself.

… Abraham Maslow

Who I Work With


To win in today’s marketplace, businesses must be agile and adaptable. This means your people must be able to continuously change and grow. As most find change a challenge, creating this capability is both difficult and a source of competitive advantage once mastered.

Mental Agility is a prerequisite in achieving this. I provide a tailored approach that builds mental resilience in your leaders and teams in a creative and innovative program.

“Employees are a company’s greatest assets – they’re your competitive advantage. You want to attract and retain the best; to provide them with encouragement, stimulus, and make them feel that they are an integral part of the company’s mission.” 
– Anne M Mulcahy


We are all so busy. Our fast-pace life demands more from us than ever before. Professionally we are expected to perform at all times. The working day is no longer 9 to 5 and the boundary between office and home has never been more blurred. It’s now essential that we invest in building the resilience our people need to perform well – at work and home.

I am deeply attuned to the complexities we all face in balancing our personal and professional life (whilst also striving to reach our goals). As your Transformation Consultant, I create a personalised program that instills self-awareness, builds mental resilience and develops the clarity you need to succeed.

“The main characteristics that make people successful is not their IQ, emotional intelligence, or even creativity. It is their resilience in the face of what seems to be insurmountable obstacles.” 
– Robert J Sternberg.

What You will Achieve

Mental Strength & Agility

Mental strength is the ability to meet life’s major curve balls and the minor daily vexations with courage, resilience and quickness. It is having the capacity for self-reflection and mental dexterity for emotional regulation in any given situation.

Mentally strong individuals:

  • Are great at managing interpersonal boundaries
  • Have fluid cognitive skills
  • Have higher levels of self- efficacy
  • Are self-motivated and confident
  • Implement effective stress management strategies
  • Have an aptitude in complex problem solving skill
  • Make tough decisions with conviction
  • Happier and healthier

Highly Adaptable employees:

  • And engaged and motivated
  • Are better at dealing with difficult situations
  • Are better at managing themselves in a changing environment
  • Are confident and efficient
  • Have better stress management skills
  • Have a sense of meaning in their work
  • Have a high degree of focus and drive
  • Happier and healthier

The psychology of mental strength and emotional resilience is the ability to manage oneself effectively during adversities and uncertainties. It is the strength that is required to bounce back quickly during times of stress and volatility. There is a strong correlation between emotional resilience and emotional intelligence which indicates that mentally strong people have higher emotional intelligence.

Those who display competent cognitive capacity are better at emotional regulation which has a direct impact on their behaviours and habits. They are also better at understanding and influencing the emotions of other people.

Mental strength and agility require emotional awareness and tenacity. With the use of psychological modalities, I assist you in gaining a deeper level of self-awareness and insight into your behaviours, feelings, and habits. You will learn to gain mastery over your emotions, attain emotional regulation and practice perseverance. We will work together in creating a shift in perception and dissolve limiting beliefs that lead to ineffective behavioural patterns.

“When mind is weak; a situation becomes a problem. When mind is balanced, the situation becomes a challenge. When the mind is strong, that situation becomes opportunity.” – Unknown.

Workplace Effectiveness

Developing workplace effectiveness is an important and holistic process. An authentic and collaborative leader can turn a weak business plan in to a success and empower his or her people to reach their highest potential. In the same way engaged and resilient employees can thrive in highly volatile and uncertain environments. For this reason, developing your leaders and employees for effectiveness will yield a high return on your investment.

The biggest asset of any business is its people, without the backing of a strong workforce organisations cannot attain a competitive edge. In order to ensure workplace effectiveness, businesses need to focus on developing their employees. Not just at an executive and middle level but also at the front-line level.

Through a coaching partnership, I help your employees align to your business goals and work with your staff to create an action plan to meet these goals:

  • Develop leadership skills in your high potential talents who are ready to take the step into a leadership role
  • Work with your staff to identify their true potential
  • Help your staff work smarter and communicate better
  • Help you attract and retain talented employees

“The single biggest way to impact an organisation is to focus on leadership development. There is almost no limit to the potential of an organisation that recruits good people, raise them up as leaders and continually develop them.” – John Maxwell.

Change Management

It was the famous Greek Philosopher Heraclitus who said “Change is the only constant in life!” In order to remain relevant, competitive and current businesses need to adapt to change. At the heart of any organisational change management is people management. It is the emotional element of change management process that must be managed adequately to create sustainable growth.

Are your employees mentally ready for your proposed organisational change? We all deal with change differently, some of us go with the flow whilst many of us resist change out of fear of the unknown, especially if this involves a potential loss of power and employment. The success of any organisational restructure and change is dependent upon how well it has been accepted by its people.

The easier the transition process is for your staff the quicker they will be on board with the change. There are 4 emotional stages that each individual travels through as they familiarise themselves with the change, these are identified on a model called the change curve as:

  • Stage 1 – Denial
  • Stage 2 – Anger
  • Stage 3 – Exploration
  • Stage 4 – Acceptance

Through a tailored coaching and mentoring program I help you manage and eliminate resistance to change. I support your managers and employees in 3 ways:

  1. I support and coach your change sponsors to effectively communicate the need and the impact of change from top down
  2. I help your employees move efficiently through the change curve model
  3. Support you and your employees post the change process.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, not the most intelligent that survive. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change” – Charles Darwin

Personal Transformation

Personal transformation is the process by which we learn to change our self-defeating beliefs, understand our capacities and become clear on our goals and directions. It is this in this change that we realise that we can certainly grow towards a different path and liberate ourselves from the old self-defeating way of life.

Personal transformation is as unique as the individual who is experiencing the transformation. I work with you through a series of tailored coaching sessions using a blended mix of psychological techniques with real world experience to create a systemic and lasting change. This is not just a one-off exercise but process and method practiced over time. In an empathetic and directive manner I will help you clarify your goals, create a structured action plan and guide you in attaining your outcomes.

“Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.”Brene Brown